What a powerful, thoughtful, well written essay! I especially enjoyed the wtf about ChatGPT.

Keep writing— and narrating, your voice is wonderful to listen to in both senses.

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Thank you! I appreciate you reading and motivating me 💚

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Jun 21Liked by bakhtawar

I love this essay (and I can’t believe your professor used ChatGPT like that?!). You alluded to it but I really like how Substack is set up — that it rewards slower absorption of content, and content that adds value (such as being information dense!). I hope that we’re a lot more picky about where we put our money vs where we put our attention.

Thanks for sharing this with us, I’m glad I could learn more about your thoughts!

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I'm so glad you liked it! And absolutely, I agree with you.

I'm too shy in person to be able to formulate things properly, but it was amazing meeting you today. Looking forward to future locked in sessions 💚

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Jun 21Liked by bakhtawar

So glad to hear that, and excited to have you there and read more from you. And totally get it, I’m quite shy too, my facilitation days kill me! We can always hang out over notes 😶‍🌫️

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That sounds great :D

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Jun 26Liked by bakhtawar

Was zit a professor or a TA who taught that class? Because no, not okay. That sounds a bit like an overworked TA cutting corners or maybe even an adjunct but anyone in a tenure-track position playing around like that should be fired.

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Jun 26Liked by bakhtawar

*it*, sorry, auto text gone wild

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It wasn’t a TA, she was a professor and had the worst professional ethics I’ve ever come across 😭

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Jun 26Liked by bakhtawar

That is pretty bad. So many people are out there trying to get tenure track positions, it’s a shame to see them occupied by people who don’t care

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'... exercising our critical muscles, and deep learning mechanisms are key to a lot of structural problems around us.'

I fully agree. We all need to realize how crucial it is to preserve and retain our critical thinking skills, and by extension, more general cognitive skills inherent in humanity.

We must never allow ourselves to be too complacent as well as reliant on AI and similar forms of technology. For this, we need better policies and check-and-balance mechanisms within our institutions and the whole system in general.

You raise good points.

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Thank you for reading 💚 you're absolutely right, our awareness of current landscapes and their rooted problems are key to change!

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I’m amazed at how well you’ve structured your thoughts and learnings in this essay. This is a powerful cause-we losing our ability to think critically and learn deep. We need to get hold back on our power and train our creative muscles.

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Thank you for reading, and I'm glad you think so, we just need to keep reminding ourselves and holding each other accountable with compassion 💚

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I am in love with this essay! There's so much richness and value here... so much to noodle on, reflect about and come back to. I LOVE finding pieces like this and am grateful a place like Substack exists at this moment in time to keep this type of writing alive. It proves to me that the type of deep thinking you are referring to is still happening. We just have to work harder to find the people who are doing it and be willing to do the work of engaging in the conversations. Thank you for sharing this with us!

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I’m so glad you thought so, I want to make sure to give my readers as much as i can :D So true about Substack too, it rally is a place where you can find extraordinary content that needs to be read and shared more! Thank you for reading 💚

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I love this article for how thought-provoking it is, and I think you did a great job with the voiceover! We've talked about this before, but along with the consumer-centered media nowadays, threat of being cancelled, and other factors, I think it has made for a far less interesting world. Creators are also more prone to catering to consumers in order to 1) make more money and 2) avoid being cancelled. The whole system is bonkers.

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Give power back to the creators!!!

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Jun 21Liked by bakhtawar

Genuinely such an insightful read! Definitely something to ponder more on

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Jun 21Liked by bakhtawar

Great 👍

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Jun 21Liked by bakhtawar

Also i love the audio feature please continue to do so 💚

And im looking forward to your book!

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Jun 21Liked by bakhtawar

I was just wondering about this last week! So glad to hear your thoughts on this:D

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deletedJun 23Liked by bakhtawar
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I'm glad you read through this essay, hope you can work on restructuring these habits!

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