This is a wonderful post. I'm glad you rekindled your love for reading. I also have a literary snob in me that I'm learning to quiet down, learning that sometimes books can be simply enjoyed and not picked apart. Thanks for sharing this.

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This post finds me right when my inner critic hails and I don't know what to do. It is my reminder to go back to the wonder that is On this earth we are briefly gorgeous. Thank you for the reminder. It was a pleasure reading your candid thoughts.

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Thank you for reading 💚 I wish you the very best at trying to battle your inner critic into a healthy level !

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A moving post. I'm not sure if I'm a highly sensitive reader, but I certainly try not to overconsume.

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I think it’s necessary not to over-consume to actually get the most from what you’re reading ! Thank you for reading 💚

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14Liked by bakhtawar

This was so interesting to read!!

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I popped over from the WAW cohort thread. I love that mantra and how you've adopted it for your own writing: "I am writing because it’s late." I've started Vuong's book and the writing is very beautiful. Great post!

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